Reborn? yups, last week November 17th 2013 English Club of AMIK BIna Sriwijaya and ABA Bina Insan Indonesia has reborn. It was the firs meeting for the new member of English Club after for around 1,5 years there is no any activity at all related to the English Club. There are 22 students of AMIK Bina Sriwijaya and ABA Bina Insan Indonesia in that first meeting. They are some students from English Study Program of ABA BII and some other from Manajemen Informatika Study Program of AMIK Bina Sriwijaya.
That's a good news and a good beginning for English Club, hopefully that meeting could build self motivation to the other students to Practice English and join in English club then make some interesting activity or even related to English. lets see the commitment of news member of English Club to come and practice English in Campus through English Club at least one a week.
Sabtu, 23 November 2013
Selasa, 05 November 2013
Individual or team work?
Individual or team work? Is it a very common question that you get when you have to do assignment? or when you have to do such of work from your Big Boss? if it's still happen it can be means that you haven't know your position, you don't know who you are. that condition could be found in our daily life too. Have you ever canceled your promise with your friends because of some one? can't do your home-work alone? a plan in your class failed because of one of friend only? or just do intense communication in the Campus with your classmate only? or even only speak with your friend beside your seat only? if you felt it, means that you can't define when you have to be individual person and when you have work in team.
Todays Script
Novotel Hotel Located in the heart of the new city centre
and only 15 minutes from the airport.
spacious guest rooms along with superior business and conferencing
facilities including well equipped meeting rooms and a Grand Ballroom. Leisure
facilities at Novotel Palembang include two restaurants, three bars, a fitness
centre with an outdoor pool and tennis courts, a sauna and bowling.
My wife and I have been staying in this hotel for about three weeks and everything is fine during our stay. Things that make us impressed about the hotel are : The nice swimming pool, the cleanliness of the room, and the most important thing is the friendliness of the staffs. The Front Desk Manager who is very charming and helpful.
We love Novotel and absolutely will recommend the hotel to all travelers around the world, family, friends and colleague. Really the best hotel in South Sumatra is Novotel hotel...
Kamis, 19 September 2013
Pengumuman Rekrutmen Anggota Baru English Club
Rekrutmen Anggota Baru English
Club AMIK Bina Sriwijaya dan ABA Bina Insan Indonesia Palembang
mengaktifkan kembali kegiatan English Club Amik Bina Sriwijaya dan ABA Bina Insan
Indonesia Palembang, Dengan ini telah dibuka Pendaftaran Anggota Baru Englis
Club bagi mahasiswa/i yang mempunyai minat dibidang Bahasa Inggris.
Mahasiswa Amik Bina Sriwijaya dan ABA Bina
Insan Indonesia Palembang
Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran
Mengumpulkan pas photo 4x6 2 lembar
Rapaat koordinasi anggota baru akan
diinformasikan kembali.
Yanti, S.Pd
Info lebih lanjut hubungi:
Miss dewi 085268766404
Sir harpi 081367189505
Sir ferry 081367505771
Pemilihan BGK Amik Bina Sriwijaya dan ABA BII 2013
Pengumuman Pemilihan Bujang Gadis
Kampus 2013
rangka menyemarakan Yudisium Ke-3 Amik Bina Sriwijaya Palembang tanggal 10
Oktober 2013, maka akan diadakan Pemilihan Bujang Gadis Kampus AMIK Bina Sriwijaya dan ABA
Bina Insan Indonesia Palembang 2013.
Mahasiswa AMIK Bina Sriwijayadan ABA BII
* Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
- * Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik,
memiliki kemampuan akademik yang baik, memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris, berwawasan
luas, dan berkepribadian menarik.
* Mengisi formulir pendaftaran
Melampirkan pas photo 4x6 dan photo
close up ukuran post card
Pendaftaran dimulai tanggal 19 September - 4
Oktober 2013
* Technical
Meeting tangga 4 Oktober 2013 Pukul 14.00 di Ruang aula Lantai 4
Ketua pelaksana
Ferry Kurniawan, M.Pd
kelas harus mengirimkan perwakilannya minimal 1 pasang
*Contac Person : Sir
Ferry 081367505771
Dewi 085268766404
Agus 081930666609
Kamis, 21 Maret 2013
ABA BII got Quality Time with Native Speaker
Thursday, 19 March 2013. English for tourism and hotel ABA BII (Akademi Bahasa Asing Bina Insan Indonesia) conducted a prestigious event called Quality Time with Native Speaker. The aims of this event are to motivate the students in learning and speaking English and give them experience in practicing English with Native Speaker. ABA BII has two study programs they are English for Hotel and Tourism and also English for Business.
This event supported by Yayasan Harapan Rakyat Sum-Sel or Chit Chat Corner and Library as the institution that help ABA BII to get Native Speaker to motivate the students. there are 3 Native Speaker who come to ABA BII. They are Luis Castro, Patricia Juan and Catherine Leigh and also one librarian Minar.
There are some interesting activity in this event such as passing ball game, giving motivation, and also sharing section for the students and lecturer with the native speaker. All of students felt happy and got some benefit. The next event will be conducted soon to encourage the students speaking skill.
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