Selasa, 25 September 2012

Selasa, 18 September 2012

Pengumuman Hasil TOEFL Periode Terakhir

Diberitahukan kepada Mahasiswa-mahasiswi peserta TOEFL periode terakhir, pengumuman hasil ujian dapat di download disini. Terimakasih

Minggu, 09 September 2012


Today is a new day, isn't it?
Yes of course for the new students of Amik Bina Sriwijaya.

Today is the first day to study,

How is your feeling? exited? nervous? or scare??
Don't worry we'll get nice journey here :-). yups you will spend your day at least 3 years here.

How about the first activity in Amik Bina Sriwijaya?? of course all of you student should follow OSPek that will be conducted on 22nd and 23rd of this month.

So lets enjoy your activity in AMIK Bina Sriwijaya Palembang...

*Don't forget follow the rules in Amik BIna Sriwijaya Palembang is must be.