Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

ABA BII got Quality Time with Native Speaker

Thursday, 19 March 2013. English for tourism and hotel ABA BII (Akademi Bahasa Asing Bina Insan Indonesia) conducted a prestigious event called Quality Time with Native Speaker. The aims of this event are to motivate the students in learning and speaking English and give them experience in practicing English with Native Speaker. ABA BII has  two study programs they are English for Hotel and Tourism and also English for Business.
This event supported by Yayasan Harapan Rakyat Sum-Sel or Chit Chat Corner and Library as the institution that help ABA BII to get Native Speaker to motivate the students. there are 3 Native Speaker who come to ABA BII. They are Luis Castro, Patricia Juan and  Catherine Leigh and also one librarian Minar.
There are some interesting activity in this event such as passing ball game, giving motivation, and also sharing section for the students and lecturer with the native speaker. All of students felt happy and got some benefit. The next event will be conducted soon to encourage the students speaking skill.

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